Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 13/ potty party pooped...

A picture of your favorite band or singer

Jason Mraz... all time fav love his music.. his ideals... everythimg about him really!! hes an amazing human...

new fav is bruno mars.. his music makes me smile and mellow out :-)

also lil wayne :-)

i think i just like guys in fedoras lol

And the Potty Party... Holy Crap... I am exhausted... that was a nightmare... first half went well... she trained her doll was excited about it... First off she did not nap... She was in bed for 2 hours and then we started the second half of the day. First hour I shoved as much liquid down her that I could. She didnt pee... Second hour she whined and I could tell she needed to go but she wouldnt... around 2 1/2 hour mark she starts crying that it hurts... Stubborn thing was holding it!!! She cried for her diaper but I stayed strong and tried to be positive... did every trick in the book. She finally peed in the potty.... Had dinner all was well... After that she STILL wouldnt pee!! She had a pee pee accident ... we cleaned it sat on the potty for practice and talked about it... About 10 mins later she kinda gave a face and I asked if she needed to poo poo... She runs off... So I go to put Liv down and she whines poo poo so I rush to the bathroom... too late .... So I sat her on the potty again we talked about it cleaned the mess... Before I even left the bathroom she came back... wet. UGHHHH Potty training is stressful! It's obvious that she CAN hold it... but she doesnt want to let it out on the potty? Hopefully tomorrow will be better... she is sleeping in a "night time panty" (AKA pull up...) Carl will be home tommorrow so hopefully it will go better :-) But I wont give up... She will not wear diapers again :-)


  1. Aghhh! Good luck! I am so interested in reading about how this goes!

  2. I feel a mental break down coming on lmao

  3. aw this is such a cute idea! i hope im as creative a momma as you are!
