Friday, October 15, 2010

what a night...

Well I'm very glad I went to sleep early for a change... I went to bed around 1130... Woke up at 115 to see where carl was (he had just got home I guess?). Well I try to fall back asleep and surprise surprise I cant lol So I watch a little tv... come downstairs look at puppies at the local rescues and SPCA's (btw wth is a rescue thinking trying to sell a rescued dog for $700 bucks? Seriously? I get its a wanted breed (it was a yorkie) but thats HIGH... Considering most of these dogs came from puppy mills and need A LOT of extra attention and TLC... I understand adoption fees but that is crazy high... the not as cute dogs where cheaper btw) and Ry starts crying.. (like 230) So I go upstairs, give her a hug, tuck her in, and she goes right back to sleep. So I continue looking at dogs lol. 30 mins later she starts crying again. I go up and she wouldnt let go of me so I brought her to my bed.. she snuggled me a little snuggled daddy, told the kitty night night and said she wanted to go back to her bed... Okay no biggie. I bring her back she lays down and goes to sleep... 30 mins later (lol) she is crying again... this time she tells me she has poo poo (which is VERY weird for her... She doesnt poop in her sleep... even as a baby she didnt do it unless she was sick... making me think she had a belly ache) So I get her diapers and change her... Of course now shes just awake lol So she insisted on bringing her halloween beanie baby bear, little people chair, and sippy cup to my room... we go back and forth between rooms for ever... She FINALLY went back to sleep at 6. WHAT A NIGHT!! Thank God I had that little bit of sleep before hand or I wouldnt have made it lol Olivia also wasnt happy about all this because she would go ninja on me every 30 mins too.. They are tag teaming me already!!! On a happy note she slept until 11 lol Thank God. But I'm making pot roast and its just Ry and I tonight so no telling what we will do lol

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