Sunday, January 2, 2011

Olivias birth story :-)

So as promised here is Olivia's unexpected birth story lol

Christmas Day... I'd been feeling cranky and uncomfortable all day. I was about to head to bed early to sleep it off.. I put on facebook that I wish she would come early so people could stop hearing me complain lol I stop up and had a good bit of what i thought was discharge but it was watery... so I cleaned up no biggie and headed upstairs... well while going up stairs i got more and more... no gush or anything so i was like whatever.. i got on my phone and binged it haha cleaned up and came back downstairs with a pad on telling carl that i was 95% sure my water may have broken. I called L&D but had to call dr. he said come in the be checked out. so we waited for my grandma to get out the shower and told her and of course carl STILL hadnt packed his bag..

So we got to L&D around 11 and they brought me to a Triage room. They got a urine sample, tested my pad, had me change into a gown, and hooked me up to a baby moniter. Pad sample came back as ruptured membranes as did the pad thing i was laying on but the dr still wanted them to swab me and see if i was any more dilated... I was having no contractions, still at 2, and baby wasnt showing signs of being ready to be delivered lol I was like great. But they admited me since my water was broken.

I got into my room and they did all the medical history and I had to sign all the papers and got hooked up to the IV. Then they started potocin. Then they left me so I could rest... well around 3:00am i started having contractions pretty close and painful so I asked to be checked to see if I could get my epidural... Nope still at 2 close to 3. I was mad lol So she gave me stadal(sp?). That crap did NOTHING but make me feel high as a kite and sleeping. It actually made the contractions worse because I felt like I couldnt get past them... It was getting worse so I asked to be checked again. at 3:45 and thank God I was at 4. Epidural please!!! So the nurse called him... That ass had gone HOME!!! Seriously who does that?! So he said he'd be back in 10 mins...

well come 4am-ish he STILL hasnt come... nurse checked me and i was 8! I was like oh heck no I'm going to be pissed if I dont get my meds!! I cant do this.. Well I had to pee again so nurse helped me get to the bathroom... and she told carl that baby would be here soon that she didnt think I could make it back to the bed even... Well she was right. I couldnt help but push and I was like omg my baby is going to born in a bathroom.. Nurse pulled the emergency cord and once the contraction stopped she and 2 other nurse plus carl got me back in bed and I was flipping out. The nurses wouldnt let me push until the dr came and I was like omg how do i NOT push?? "Blow out the candles" wtf are you serious?? So I "blew out the candles" through a few contractions and dr came in... whats he say? "nice socks" really doc? lol so he gets preped and its push time

I pushed maybe 10 mins and Miss Olivia was here... They put her on my chest and all I could think was thank God its done.. Would I do natural again? HELL NO! lol Its just NOT for me... I hurt so bad the past week lol Muscles hurt that I didnt know I could use in child birth lol. Oh and carl passed out after... That was pretty funny. Olivia was 7lbs 7 oz at birth, 20 inches long and born at 4:33am. She was nice and healthy. She has a funny mark on her belly but none of the pediatricians know what it is yet.. So we just watching it.. They said it could be nothing, could be a hematoma.

But Livi has jaundice :-( Her levels where pretty high but not high enough to get the sun lamp thingie. When we brought her to her initial check up at the base pedi her levels where .2 away from needing to get the lamp... And they made us go to the hospital the next morning to get her levels checked again and they had gone down 2 points so no more heel pricks poor kiddo. We go to her 2 week checkup on the 12th. But she is already looking better. So far her eyes are a very pretty grey. Hoping they stay that way but who knows. Hopefully I'll be on more but I'm still trying to get adjusted. Think I have the baby blues a little... I'm just letting myself stress over things I shouldnt be worrying about... like when my grandma leaves I have to drive her by myself with the girls to philly because carl has a class for his deployment.. Oh yeah carl is deploying in feb... letting that stress me too but I think I will be okay because well I have to be :-) but I'll blog again soon :-)


  1. I'm happy everyone is home at Carl passing out!! priceless.

  2. Love the Birth Story and Thank Goodness No Birth in the Bathroom. If you need anything when Carl leaves you know I am here! Even if you need some house cleaning or laundry done :)
